Consortium management, communication, dissemination, and Ethics

In a nutshell
Achieving the aim and desired impacts of the Inno4Vac project can only be ensured by an effective project coordination.
This includes the set-up of an effective management framework, including management bodies and the Scientific and Ethics Advisory Committee. The Project Coordinator will implement procedures and tools for the day-to-day management of the consortium, conduct the contractual management and ensure observance of required ethical standards. In addition, an effective dissemination of project results and protection of the intellectual property generated during the project will be sought. The Inno4vac partners are strong defenders of open-access policies and will make freely accessible any final peer-reviewed manuscripts accepted for publication that will be generated as a result of this project. A sustainability plan will be prepared to ensure the long-term sustainability of project results beyond the duration of the project.
Project Coordinator: Ole Olesen, EVI
Industry Leader: Sandra Morel, GSK Vaccines
Scientific coordinator: Donata Medaglini, Sclavo Vaccines Association
Industry Co-Leader: Simona Barzu, Sanofi Pasteur
Project Manager: EVI
Main WP objective
Ethics requirements
Led by Irina Meln, European Vaccine Initiative
Ensure compliance of the ethics requirements
Coordination and project management
Led by Irina Meln, European Vaccine Initiative
Set up an effective management framework to ensure that the overall combined project progresses towards its planned objectives in line with contractual commitments.
Communication and dissemination
Led by Daniel Reem, European Vaccine Initiative
Ensure appropriate, effective communication, dissemination, and exploitation of results and knowledge. Develop a sustainability plan.